Searches Spotify for the top artist result or uses a link to an artist. Can also use a playlist link to add all artists in that playlist
Add a random artist to the screen. See if you can connect them to your existing network. Might take a few seconds to find a suitable one
Requires logging in. Adds all the artists you follow to the screen. You can use the Full Search to find out how many of them are connected or do it yourself with one at a time.
Optional, but you must do this to add all your followed artists. The only information it gives access too and uses is your followed artist list.
Delete entire graph and start over
Search Options
Display Options
The total number of artists displayed
Total Artists:
If you click the line between two artists, it will show the name of a song they collaborated on here.
It will also play a sample if available. Signing in increases availability.
Song connecting the artists:
To get started try searching for your favorite artist in the text box in the upper left or clicking the random artist button.
If you hover over a control it will give a brief description of what it does.